Let’s start with the banal stuff. Legal services are becoming more and more popular. And this is not surprising, because, unfortunately, our legislation is imperfect, which strengthens people’s desire to defend their rights.
If before it was necessary to sign up for consultations or, worse, to sit in line all day under the door among the same seekers of justice, now it is enough to open a search engine. Legal sites and portals are becoming more and more every day, the competition is growing.
If you are the owner of the site of legal services, it has long noticed, and most likely began to engage in promotion, so that he began to bring real profit. So, this article is for you!
Difficulties of promotion of legal sites
Constant competition. In Moscow alone there are thousands of firms, so the struggle for a place in the sun (for each client) is strong enough. That is why it is important to use all existing means of promotion: media and contextual advertising, promotion on positions, in social networks and much more.
Narrow subject matter. News sites about changes in legislation, pages, business cards of lawyers almost all the same. In the design often there are shields, scales, and content is saturated with “smart” terms that do not lend themselves to uniqueness. It is important to keep the golden mean between legal literacy and uniqueness.
The reputation of the company. In this area, it is particularly important for people to know that the company can be trusted in its entirety. The more in a network of positive responses, and on a site – letters of thanks from legal and physical persons, certificates, the higher trust of the potential client. He will think approximately so: “Once they have already helped tens of companies and hundreds of people, they will also help me”.
The deficit of copywriters who know the subject. This is the pain of almost every owner of a legal services site. Copywriters who know by heart all the current changes in the law and at the same time know how to competently build proposals, the weight of gold. Plus, to find them, it will take more than one day.
The need for a carefully thought-out structure. The visitor should easily find the information or service they need. Clear structure, the ability to quickly move from one section to another, contact leads to good results in promoting the legal site.
How to promote the legal services website
To increase audience interest and improve behavioral factors, you need to prepare the site and make it interesting, attractive, etc.
Provide free legal assistance.
Many people may need a free prior consultation with a specialist to get some guidance for further action. Very often they become real clients of companies.
In this section, users can access “legal advice online”, “free legal advice” and others. Also, the result of promotion and conversion is well influenced by the presence on the site of an online consultant to whom you can contact and quickly get the necessary information.

Add information to the “Questions and answers” section.
Make a section on the site dedicated to questions and answers, because there are a lot of people making requests like “an application template for an appeal” or “how to draw up a gift agreement”.
In this section specialists can answer frequently asked legal questions and provide application forms and contract templates. It will not immediately bring income, but visitors will certainly remember you when they need legal assistance.
Provide a wide range of services.
That’s a definite plus. As practice shows, sites with a narrow focus to promote quite expensive and long. The fact that search engines see the relationship between different user requests, so if the resource meets the majority, the chances of effective promotion of the site of legal services increases. For each service must necessarily create a separate page, just list them on the main page or in the appropriate section is not enough.
Tell us about your specialists.
Tell about every lawyer working in your company. Welcome, when each of them specializes in his or her area. Increases confidence in the availability of a photograph, contact information for each lawyer, his or her brief biography, a list of successfully completed cases.
Keep an eye on the company’s image.
As we mentioned above, reputation plays a huge role in promoting the law firm website. Place in a prominent place all the certificates, achievements, USP, cases and examples of successful cases. The number of cases won for the client is much more important than the brightest advertising.
Ask clients to leave detailed feedback with the name of the lawyer, the type of service, the details of the case, because the feedback, which does not contain specific information, associated with advertising and bring only harm.
Make the content useful.
People are waiting for a lawyer to solve their problems, so the site should contain as much information as possible to help understand the law. To promote a legal site can be filled with both information and commercial content with mandatory mention of the region.
It is desirable to have combined pages containing both background information and information about your company. As a rule, legal requests are territorially linked. Therefore, the pages of the site should have information relating to your region.
Take a holistic approach.
Engage in RF, RF, LF search engine promotion, manage your online reputation, promote yourself on social networks, engage in contextual advertising.
You can write articles, press releases and post on third-party platforms, and be active in special forums so that a large number of people can learn about you as an expert. The more channels you use, the better the result.