Proper advertising of legal services attracts clients, working clearly in all directions, forming the brand and making people loyal to him. The best advertisement of a lawyer – this is an excellent and numerous feedback from real clients, written in gratitude for the high-quality work done (SERM).
And also – attracting maximum traffic (content marketing and SEO), repeated “touch” of a potential client (remarketing and retargeting), interaction with visitors (SMM) …
Effective advertising of legal services
In order for a client to read an advertisement for legal services and come to the selected law firm, it requires a long preliminary work to create an image of the organization (or private lawyer) on the Internet. Any client buys from a lawyer not so much services as the solution of their problems by qualified specialists.
The starting point of market research is the definition of the target audience in need of specific legal services. Having such data, describes the value of the firm for the likely client group and selects effective tools that are most suitable for the work.
The problem of wide audience coverage dictates the following areas of work:
- Work with a database of potential clients.
- Direct mail – targeted mailing: for specifically selected business partners or decision makers (DPR).
- “Sarafan Radio” to create a reputation, attract new clients.
- Participation in exhibitions, conferences, seminars.
- Cross selling (where a law firm often sells its services in parallel with accounting and auditing).
- Creating and optimizing a website with thoughtful functionality and working forms of feedback. The client should easily get on the phone or write a letter, reset or not answered the call, the return of email due to a crowded box means the loss of a potential buyer.
Excellent advertising is the site, which posted a lot of valuable information and already completed cases, published regulatory documents, interpretations of the law, forms for filling in, reference phones related authorities.
What is the most effective advertising for a lawyer?
Searching for promotion of the website of a lawyer, lawyer or law firm is the most effective way to promote the advertising of services. Most potential clients are searching for information through search engines.
Therefore, special attention should be paid to SEO-optimization and website maintenance. The higher the website rises in the top, the more people will find it, and the more potential customers will start to move to its pages, asking for help and advice.
Best Advertising for Legal Services
A lawyer or a lawyer who knows how to locate a potential client is credible. The more the name of the company is “on hearing”, the more it is used in catalogues, specialized publications and social networks, the more chance it will be to “recognize”.
The best advertising move is embedded in human psychology: “If you helped others, will help me too. Therefore, the most effective advertising of the lawyer – a well-structured marketing to interact with the audience. At the “technical level” it is expressed:

- Creating a structured and rich in content site – this will collect the hottest traffic on the Internet: search.
- Adding groups in social networks – as a rule, this is Facebook, to a lesser extent VK, even less often Odnoklassniki, sometimes effective LinkedIn (in the field of corporate law) – such groups allow not only to take additional places in the issuance of search engines (“content islands”), but also to interact with the audience and collect subscribers.
- Setting up contextual advertising – on the search (to get additional “hot traffic”), in the advertising system Yandex (RSN), the context-media network Google (KMS), including to “catch up” visitors (remarketing or retargeting). The latter allows you to make several “touches” of the user, increasing the likelihood of sale at each stage.
- Maintaining email links (based on the database of subscribers on the site, in groups or on pages of social networks) is an excellent branding tool: the user is more likely to contact the company that has already provided at least information services (the more so for free).
- Targeted advertising on the basis of visitors is a tool of targeted appeals to the audience: a) familiar with the brand; b) interested in the services of the company; c) with the specified parameters (age, gender, marital status, location, financial status, etc.).
- SERM – or reputation management in the network – work with feedback on profile sites, search engine services (Yandex Directory, Yandex Maps, Google My Business).
- Crowd strategies – communication in question-answer services (the most famous – Mail. Answers, a similar resource is available on Yandex – Q), forums, blogs: answers to questions, publishing interesting content.
Where to advertise legal services
For medium and small businesses (SMEs), advertising is the main source of sales. As practice shows, printed advertising slowly dies – the user en masse passes to independent search of the information in a network.
- The most important marketing tool is the site. Regular publication of useful content, establishment of link exchange, work on reputation increases the visibility of the web page and its promotion in the ranking. Today it is already accepted to talk not so much about SEO, but about content strategies (SEO remains a priority to a greater extent for online stores): the publication of high-quality and accurate content (information, graphics, video). The legal services website itself looks like an advanced blog – with a lot of information, and a limited set of landing pages for the presentation of services.
- Industry and regional online catalogues – free and paid, with mandatory posting of the legal company profile, list of services and contacts. Costs are minimal, but the name is degraded, which works to create an image. It is also possible to include simple enough tools Google My Business (GMB), Yandex Directory, 2Gis, etc. Such tools are good for so-called local SEO.
- Purchase of lids through CPA/CPL networks (with payment for the action or lid). This is a great tool to address the audience dozens of thematic sites without capital investment in the development of your own project. As practice shows, any form of rental of external sites is more effective in the early stages of the existence of your own site. Over time, however, this channel inevitably grows to its own websites.
- Advertising on the Internet: a click, context, banner. The effectiveness of targeting user groups – the key to success. For example, you can configure contextual advertising through Yandex.Direct with the maximum number of keywords and the use of relevant requests. For large cities, contextual advertising can bring a significant number of requests. In small cities, you need to use various advertising tools to make them work in a complex.
- Blogging and active pages in social networks allow to demonstrate the expert level of a law firm, pay attention to legal practice, acquire clients, position themselves as a reliable organization that can solve other people’s problems.
- Info-marketing with attracting clients through the publication of free consultations, free webinars, participation in conferences – all this brings frequent appeals. The more cases will be disassembled and demonstrated, and other people’s cases will be commented on (impersonally), the more loyal the clients are. You can use any ideas that can interest people.
Where to place advertising of legal services for the greatest effect?
The largest conversion – on traffic from search engines (for commercial queries): up to 2 – 4% for B2B-thematics and up to 14 – 16% for B2C. The competition is contextual advertising, with a record 16 – 30% conversion of traffic to lids (circulation), but there are many pitfalls:
- the traffic from the context is usually less than the search;
- mistakes in configuring advertising campaigns (ROK) quickly drain the budget, while SEO is generally loyal to flaws;
- more expensive: the cost of a visitor from the organic issue is in the future 1 – 3 rubles, while even for the regions the cost of a click of 30-40 rubles is already considered a success.
Live communication in social networks with demonstration of ready-made cases, publication of expert content, free advice and consultations allow you to quickly get an interested audience. But this option is the least predictable as far as conversion is concerned.
You can use all the possibilities of modern Internet marketing, placing ads, contextual ads, ordering analytics, conducting groups in social networks, SEO-optimization.